For some time now, I’ve received numerous requests from readers who have supported my work seeking references to citations for the monographs and serial publications that I’ve been honored to have published over the years. Through the very special efforts of the incomparable P.J. Muller, I now have a “bully pulpit” from which such a list can not only be at least partially circulated, but hopefully updated as current projects, now awaiting publication, finally see the light of day.

Just a word, also, about the timing and pace of the monographs and serial publications noted herein. These works, for the most part, represent very intensive and life-long research efforts, and so very few of them have a “start” and “finish” in the conventional sense. The fact that some were released within a few years of each other is by no means, therefore, a reflection of the dazzling speed and efficiency as a writer that it might suggest! Rather, they are more a reflection of a time when it was recognized that research on a certain subject – or coordination with a valued collaborator – had reached a point where delay of publication stood no further useful purpose.

Books & Monographs

  • John Dienst & Dan Hagedorn, NORTH AMERICAN F-51 MUSTANGS In Latin American Air Force Service, Aerofax, Arlington, Texas, 1985, ISBN 0-942548-33-7 – Can it have been 28 years ago?! This is one I would dearly love to do over as, inevitably, considerably more data has surfaced and, likewise, a number of additions and corrections are needed. It never ceases to amaze me that this little 64 page soft-bound monograph continues to be sought-after and commands astonishing prices on various used-book sites! For the most part, it has stood the test of time.

  • Dan Hagedorn, Republic P-47 Thunderbolt: THE FINAL CHAPTER, Latin American Air Forces Service, Phalanx Publishing Co., Ltd., St. Paul, MN, 1991, ISBN 0-9625860-1-3 – I guess it is safe to reveal now that an entire chapter was inadvertently left out of this book when the final layout was being coordinated – prior to PC’s! – when a misunderstanding between the artist and the publisher occurred, unbeknownst to yours truly! Like the F-51 title, it would be wonderful if this one could also be re-done, as quite a lot of additional information has come to light in the meantime.

  • Daniel P. Hagedorn, Central American and Caribbean Air Forces, an Air-Britain Publication, Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd., Tonbridge, Kent, UK, 1993, ISBN 0-85130-210-6 – This one has stood the test of time nicely, and has also become something of a collectors item, due to the remarkably low print run for this type of monograph by Air-Britain. The author has only one rather tired copy himself!

  • Dan Hagedorn, ALAE SUPRA CANALEM: Wings Over the Canal – The Sixth Air Force and the Antilles Air Command, Turner Publishing Co., Paducah, KY, 1995, ISBN 1-56311-153-5 – This remains one of the projects that holds a special place in my heart, and, between the time it was formally launched and publication, required nearly 20 years of research. Army and Navy aviation in defense of the Panama Canal and the Caribbean remain a subject of great interest.

  • Dan Hagedorn and Leif Hellström, FOREIGN INVADERS: The Douglas Invader in Foreign Military and US Clandestine Service, Midland Publishing Ltd., Leicester, UK 1994, ISBN 1-85780-013-3 – My co-author and wonderful friend on this one, Leif Hellström, really never got his proper credit on this one and, due to the protocols that existed at the time, the co-authors names had to appear alphabetically. The truth is that Leif did the lion’s share of the sleuthing on this one, although as you might guess, the considerable Latin American content was almost all mine. Leif is one of the most tenacious and principled aviation historians alive today, and, together, we produced a volume on an aspect of the legendary B-26 that has become something of a standard reference on the type. Really proud of this one.

  • Dan Hagedorn, Editor, The Story of Flight: Early Flying Machines, Balloons, Blimps, Gliders, Warplanes and Jets, Scholastic Press, 1995 – Originally published in French, I was asked by Scholastic to adapt this charming children’s book (suited for readers from age nine and up) for American audiences. Frankly, it was more challenging then I had imagined – especially the very inadequate French lexicon of aeronautical terms which had been included in the original! With grandchildren of my own, however, it was an exceptionally worthwhile endeavor, and I remain proud of this inexpensive but engaging title. Kids do reach for it.

  • Dan Hagedorn & Antonio L. Sapienza, Aircraft of the Chaco War 1928-1935, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen, PA, 1997, ISBN 0-7643-0146-2 – Working with Tony, who himself is unquestionably the finest aero-historian that his beautiful homeland has ever produced, was nothing short of a pleasure. Once again, the emphasis was to document the service lives of some truly obscure aircraft in a place and time that others have largely ignored in the panoply of aviation history.

  • Dan Hagedorn, North American NA-16/AT-6/SNJ – WarBird Tech Series, Volume 11, Specialty Press, North Branch, MN, 1997, ISBN 0-933424-84-1 – Anyone who knows me will sooner or later reveal that my favorite all-time aircraft series is and will remain the NA-16/AT-6 Texan. This little formula monograph was completed over a single Christmas vacation, and was somewhat skeptically received by the publisher, as they wanted very much to focus the series on “warbirds”. Fortunately, the author was able to convince the publisher that the Texan series did, indeed, very much constitute a “warbird” series and the book has done precisely what your scribe had hoped, and remains in print at this writing.

  • Phil Butler with Dan Hagedorn, Air Arsenal North America: Aircraft for the Allies 1938-1945, Purchases and Lend-Lease, Midland Publishing, Hinckley, UK, 2004, ISBN 1-85780-163-6 – When co-author Phil Butler, an outstanding aero-historian, approached me to comment on excellent research on the Lend-Lease program, I replied with not fewer than 18 pages of comments on the Latin American content alone. I suggested to him that he needed a co-author and he agreed! We remain proud of this collaboration and it, too, has now become something of a standard reference, which was what was intended at the outset.

  • Dan Hagedorn, LATIN AMERICAN AIR WARS AND AIRCAFT, 1912-1969, Hikoki Publications Ltd., Crowborough, East Sussex, England (all rights now assumed by Crécy), 2006, ISBN 1-902109-44-9 – This experiment in publishing started as a request by Hikoki to expand a three-part history of the B-25 Mitchell in Latin American service, into a monograph. Hikoki then suggested, instead, a comprehensive history of the use of aircraft in action in Latin America. When the manuscript was finally delivered, the publisher deemed it far too long, although I delivered what they requested. The compromise, often missed by some readers, is that the publisher agreed to publish all of the photos and color side-view drawings developed for the book, plus about 10% of the text and captions – and make the other 80 plus percent of the book available to readers via an electronic download, by chapter. This is still available via Crécy as a condition of them acquiring the rights to the book when Hikoki decided to disestablish. This was effectively the final Hikoki title and, now, seven years after release, remains very much in-print. Indeed, a slightly modified Czech language edition (see below) has since been published.

  • Francis H. Dean & Dan Hagedorn, Curtiss Fighter Aircraft: A Photographic History, 1917-1948, Schiffer Publishing Ltd., Atglen, PA, 2007, ISBN 978-0-7643-2580-9 – My old friend “Diz” Dean and I had collaborated on our common interest in the legendary Curtiss aircraft product line for many years, and I had in fact provided him with some data for this project when he quite suddenly made his last flight with the work substantially incomplete. His beautiful widow, Evelyn and son Bob contacted me almost immediately and asked me to complete the job for him. When I received the manuscript and supporting illustrations, it became very quickly apparent that “Diz” had produced a work that was very much that of an engineer! I told his sweetheart that it would require a massive re-write in order to make it palatable to the majority of readers, but promised that I would honor every word that “Diz” had written – a task I should not like to repeat any time soon, I assure you! The work provided me with the justification to delve very deeply into primary Curtiss documents and resources, as well as, quite frankly, avail me of the opportunity to expand the very considerable export story, which has not hitherto been well documented. The result is, frankly, much more than a “photographic history” (the title selected by the publisher) and it remains a volume that I take special pride in having been invited to participate. For the record, every cent of royalty income for this work went directly to Evelyn.

  • Dan Hagedorn, CONQUISTADORS OF THE SKY: A History of Aviation in Latin America, The University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL 2008, ISBN 978-0-8130-3249-8 – I had long recognized that a single-volume, overall examination of the history of aviation in Latin America – to help put my more specialized titles into proper perspective – would be helpful for those interested in a more general work on the subject. Completed as an ‘on duty’ task while Adjunct Curator for Latin American Aviation at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, it was actually released at almost precisely the moment that I retired from NASM to assume the chair of Curator for The Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington – the largest independent air and space museum in the world. Originally intended to have been very richly illustrated with more than 300 exceptionally rare images, the academic publisher who ultimately decided to take the title drastically reduced the number to fewer than 80, over the strenuous objections of the author – and then proceeded to cause the loss of the entire, original photo selection by dispatching them to the author’s new address in Washington state without benefit of security or insurance. My wife and I had to travel unexpectedly to Indiana incident to the sudden passing of my brother-in-law and, apparently, the shipping agency either left them unsigned for on our doorstep, or delivered them to the wrong address. In any case, a lifetime accumulation of some irreplaceable images are now apparently gone forever. Since the book was done “on duty time” at NASM, there were no funds for scanning the images, and so the entire package of 300+ images were entrusted to the publisher in Florida. In spite of all of this, the book has served its purpose exceptionally well, and has been well received by academia – no mean achievement I can assure you! It remains very much in-print.

  • Dan Hagedorn, NORTH AMERICAN’S T-6: A Definitive History of the World’s Most Famous Trainer, Specialty Press, North Branch, MN, 2009, ISBN 978-1-58007-124-6 – If you’ve seen this book, you will deduce very quickly that it was very much a labor of love. I regard it as being pretty close to what I would like a dedicated “type” boo to look like and, in this case, it just happened to be on my favorite type! This one has done very well, and remained very much in-print until Specialty Press closed its doors for good in the summer of 2023.

  • Dan Hagedorn, Texans and Harvards in Latin America, Air-Britain (Historians) Ltd., West Sussex, UK, 2009, ISBN 978-0-85130-312-3 – While the title just above was an overview of the entire series on the NA-16 family, the AT-6, SNJ and Harvard, I quickly recognized that a much more definitive book could be developed on the use of these beautiful aircraft in Latin America alone, where they found perhaps their most enduring ‘home’. A substantial 351 pages, Air-Britain afforded me the opportunity with this monograph to ‘do the subject proud,’ and this is the result. Still very much available for both members and non-members, exclusively from Air-Britain.

  • Peter M. Bowers and Dan Hagedorn, Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 1935-2010, A Museum of Flight Publication, 2010, no ISBN (available exclusively from The Museum of Flight Store) – I’ll confess right up front that, when the 75th anniversary of the immortal B-17 came looming, the idea of updating and re-editing Peter M. Bower’s similarly titled 50th anniversary book – and thus achieving a life-long ambition to join my childhood hero as a co-author – did not take long for me to embrace. This soft-bound, 100 page monograph honors every word of Pete’s, with a few of my own, to honor one of the greatest of all aircraft of the first century of flight.

  • Dan Hagedorn, LETECKÉ VÁLKY A Letadla v Latinské Americe 1912-1969, Naše vojsko, s.r.o., translation by Mgr. Martin Čižek, 2006 (but released in 2012), ISBN 978-80-206-1233-5 – This is the Czech-language edition of LATIN AMERICAN AIR WARS noted above, and which includes only minor changes and additions to the original, English-language edition.

  • Dan Hagedorn, Editor, The Museum of Flight: A Collected History, Sea Script, Seattle, WA, 2012, ISBN 978-0-9828663-2-0 – I’ve always sworn that I would never become party to a so-called “coffee table book” but, I must confess, the genuine need for a properly edited catalog of the great aircraft and other collections of my adopted home, The Museum of Flight, was just too compelling to ignore. I was determined, however, with the astonishing support of some of the most incredible professionals I have ever had the pleasure to engage with, that this would be no standard, low-value tome. We invested our hearts and souls in this one, and if I do say so, it has resulted in a very handsome and informative book which we believe will stand the test of time.

  • Dan Hagedorn Sr. and Dan Hagedorn Jr., The Douglas B-18 and B-23: America’s Forsaken Warriors, Crécy Publishing, Manchester, UK, 2014 (ISBN 978-0859791-78-6)

  • Mario Overall & Dan Hagedorn, PBSuccess: The Cia’s Covert Operation to Overthrow Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz, June-July 1954, Latin America @ War No.1, Helion & Company Ltd., Solihull, West Midlands, UK, 2016 (ISBMN978-910777-89-3)

  • Mario Overall & Dan Hagedorn, The 100 Hour War: The Conflict Between Honduras and El Salvador in July 1969, Latin America @ War No.3, Helio & Company, Ltd. Solihull, West Midlands, UK 2017 (ISBN 978-1-911096-50-4)

  • Dan Hagedorn, The Curtiss-Wright AT-9: The Other Jeep, MMP Books/STRATUS, Sandomierz, Poland, 2019 (ISBN 978-83-65958-30-3)

  • Dan Hagedorn, The Forgotten American Volunteer Group: US Volunteers in the Colombia-Peru War, 1932, Key Books, Key Publishing Ltd., Stamford, Lincs, UK, 2020 (ISBN 978-1-913870-02-7)

  • Dan Hagedorn and Mario Overall, The Caribbean Legion and its Mercenary Air Forces, 1947-1950, Line Tree Press, UK, May 2021 (ISBN 978-0-995604-36-0)

  • Dan Hagedorn and Amaru Tincopa, Curtiss Design 75 Hawk – P-36 and International Derivatives, European Airlines, Spikkestad, Norway, 2021, (ISBN 978-82-93450-13-9)

  • Dan Hagedorn and Mario Overall, Douglas DC-3/C-47 in Latin American Military Service, Crécy, Manchester, UK, 2021, (ISBN 9781910809471)

  • Dan Hagedorn, North American Aviation O-47, MMP Books, Sandomierz, Poland, 2021, (ISBN 978-83-65958-90-7)

  • Dan Hagedorn, Panama Canal Defenders: Camouflage and Markings of US Sixth Air Force and Antilles Air Command 1941-1945: Volume 1, Single-engined Fighters Model Centrum PROGRES, Warplane Color Gallery #4, Kobylka, Poland, 2022, (ISBN 978-83-60672-34-1

  • Dan Hagedorn, P-38 in Latin America. Aviation Art & History, Edited by Julio Arróspide Rivera, July 2022 (First Edition, Kindle, Amazon KDP, or Softbound), (ISBN 9798838761699)

  • George G. Farinas with Dan Hagedorn, Star of Cuba: The History of Cubana Airlines, Volume 1: 1929-1959, Alas Publishing Company, Panama City, Panama, December 2023 (ISBN 979-8-9879160-0-1)

The listing that follows is arranged chronologically, from the first to the most recent, with monographs first and serial publications next.

I have also appended a brief listing of projects currently pending publication or which are still in the “deep research” phase of the cycle, in the sincere hope that readers with knowledge of possible sources for data or photographs might contact me.

Finally, and although it may come as a surprise to some readers, I do not stock extra copies of any of these publications for sale or other distribution! My wife and I once attempted this with the Sixth Air Force book, at the suggestion of the publisher, and we quickly amassed some 2,000 pounds of books in our family room and consequent shipping, special handling, countless trips to the post office and failed sendings! We swore we would never do that again! That is why we have publishers, to deal with not only the mechanics of the preparation and layout, but the distribution and stocking chores as well! Long may they prosper.

Books & Monographs Awaiting Release

  • Dan Hagedorn and Carlos Adrian Garcia, PULP FICTION FIGHTERS: Military Aircraft Exported to Latin America 1930-1939, European Airlines, projected late 2024 release. This extensive and alphabetical review, by manufacturer, of all aircraft exported to Latin America during the crucial decade of the 1930s will include not fewer than 300 plus highly detailed color side-views, with accompanying data.

  •  Dan Hagedorn, SHOOTING STARS IN SOUTHERN SKIES, European Airlines, Norway, projected release summer 2025. A comprehensive review of the Lockheed T-33 and F-80 series in Latin American service.

  •  Dan Hagedorn, Civil Air Patrol Coastal Patrol and Southern Liaison Patrol in WWII, Key Publishing, mid-2025.

  •  Dan Hagedorn and Amaru Tincopa, Airlines of Latin America, 1919-1945, European Airlines, Norway, project release 2026.

  •  Dan Hagedorn, Curtiss O-52 Owl (Publication Date TBD) Yes, another book on yet another unloved aircraft! The O-52, like the O-47, did in fact go places and do things in WWII!

Significant Serial Publications & Public Presentations

This is by no means a comprehensive list, as it was discovered that an unknown number of published articles actually produced are not amongst the copies held by the author! If you, the reader, happens across one not represented on this listing, perhaps you will be good enough to send the citation along! Some of the public programs were videotaped, and copies may be available via The Museum of Flight Archives

  • Hagedorn, SP5 and SSG Daniel P., The Brigade Banner, 193rd Infantry Brigade, Fort Kobbe, Canal Zone, August 1967 through June 1969. Hagedorn was the founder, editor and producer for this monthly mimeographed newspaper serving the subordinate units of the 193rd Infantry Brigade “No Ground to Give,” including HHC, 193rd Infantry Brigade, 4th Battalion, 10th Infantry at Fort Davis, CZ; 4th Battalion (Mechanized) 20th Infantry at Fort Clayton, CZ; 3rd Battalion (Airborne) 508th Infantry at Fort Kobbe, CZ; “B” Battery, 22nd Field Artillery at Fort Kobbe, CZ; 518th Engineer Company at Fort Kobbe, CZ; and the 193rd Aviation Company at Albrook AFB, CZ. Mint copies of every issue were donated, in 2022, to the new National Museum of the United States Army near Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

  • Hagedorn, SP5 Daniel P., “The United States Air Mail Service, 1919-1925,” Florida State University, Canal Zone Branch, Albrook Air Force Base, Canal Zone, 1968 – term paper for BA history course (A).

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Avros (and others) Over the Andes and Amazon,”Nor Del Modeler, Wilmington, Delaware, c.1970, pp.8-9

  • Hagedorn, Daniel P., “Alae Supra Canalem,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.19, No.1, Spring 1974, pp.2-16 

  • Hagedorn, Daniel P., “Avions Français en Argentine (1),” Le Trait d’Union, No.48, July 1976, pp.41-45

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Mirages Over the Andes,” Air Classics, Vol.12, No.8, August 1976, pp. 6-8 [commentary on an earlier shallow article on the history of the Colombian Air Force]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “¡VIVA CORSARIO!”, Aircraft in Miniature, AIM, San Antonio, TX, Vol.2, No.1, Spring 1980 pp.5-14

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “¡VIVA CORSARIO!”, Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.5, No.2 (18), January 1981, pp. 36-44 [a study of the Vought F4U Corsair series in Latin America]

  • Hagedorn, Dan with art by Bob Angel, “No Ground to Give…Glimpses of a Forgotten Air Force,” IPMS Quarterly, Vol.17, No.2, Winter 1981, pp.30-35

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “FAG T-33A (Front Cover)”, IPSM Quarterly, Vol.18, No.4, Summery 1983

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Vultee ‘Valiant’ in Latin America,” Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.10, No.3 (39), July 1986, pp.67-81

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “From Caudillos to COIN,” AIR Enthusiast, No.31, 1986, pp.55-70 [history of the Honduran Air Force]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Aquellos Aviones de Cayo Confites,” Latin American Wings, Vol.4, No.3, March 1989, pp.1-2

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Lend-Lease to Latin America, Part I – Army Aircraft,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.34, No.2, Summer 1989, pp.108-123

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Lend-Lease to Latin America, Part II – Navy Aircraft,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.34, No.3, Fall 1989, pp190-195

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “British Aircraft in Chile,” Air-Britain Digest, Autumn 1989, pp. 109-110

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Curtiss and Curtiss-Wright Aircraft in Latin American Service,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.13, January 1990, pp. 2-19

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El Legendario Mustang F-51: Latinoamerica con los Ases del Aire,” Alas del SICOFAA, USAF, Ano.IV, No.6, February 1992, pp.11

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Latin American Thunderbolts,” Scale Aircraft Modeling (UK), Vol.14, No.6, March 1992, pp.246-261 plus front cover [this contains the “missing” material from the Phalanx monograph on the P-47 noted in the monographs and books section!]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Curtiss and Curtiss-Wright Aircraft in Latin American Service,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.13, January 1990, pp2-19

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “From the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institute,” FK24, Plastic Kit Constructor, Vol.8, No.1, August 1990, pp.24 [commentary on an article on the Mexican Air Force by Bob Massey]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Soldiers of Fortune: The Colombian River War and the Curtiss-Wright Connection!”, Airpower, Vol.20, No.5, September 1990, pp. 38-49

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “British Aircraft in Argentina, Part I – Service Aircraft,” Air-Britain Digest, Autumn 1990, pp.104-112

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “British Aircraft in Argentina, Part II – Civil Aircraft,” Air-Britain Digest, Winter 1990, pp. 135-142

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Curtiss Types in Latin America,” AIR Enthusiast, No.45, March/May 1992, pp. 61-77

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Mexican Air Force Serial Numbers and Prefixes: The Origins,” Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.16, No.3 (63), July 1992, pp97

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Trek of the Aconcagua,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.37, No.3, Fall 1992, pp.223-229 [the little-known story of the solitary USAAF Junkers Ju 52/3m, or C-79]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El Poderío Aéreo Latinoamericano en los ’90, Part 1,” Revista Aerea, Vol.113, No.2, April 1993, pp.25-28

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El Poderío Aéreo Latinoamericano en los ’90, Part 2,” Revista Aerea, Vol.113, No.3, May 1993, pp.11-15

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El Poderío Aéreo Latinoamericano en los ’90: Conclusión,” Revista Aerea, Vol.113, No.4 y 5, June/July 1993, pp27-36

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Argentina’s Classic Curtiss,” AIR International, Vol.45, No.6, December 1993, pp321-324 [the story of the Curtiss Hawk 75-0 in Argentina]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El Progreso Económico que Llegará a Brasil y México Abrirá el Negocio para los Aviones Jets Corporativos: Reportaje del Estado Actual,” Revista Aerea, Vol.114, No.4 and 5, December 1993/January 1994, pp.25-29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: “Highlights in Latin American Aviation History,” Hispanic Heritage Month, The National Air and Space Museum Briefing Room, Smithsonian Institution, noon, October 4, 1994

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Principal Scripter, “The Enola Gay” Exhibition, The National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, approved by the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Secretary Heyman, March 23, 1995. [Original manuscript]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Barnstorming With Roscoe and Gilmore,” Air & Space Smithsonian, Vol.10, No.2, June/July 1995, pp.84 [book review of C.V. Glines “Roscoe Turner: Aviation’s Master Showman”]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright 19R All Metal Light-Combat Aircraft, Part 1,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.36, October 1995, pp.2-20

  • Solomon, Stan, “Funny You Should Ask,” In the Museum: Air & Space Smithsonian, Vol.10, No.5, December 1995/January 1996, interview (illustrated) of Dan Hagedorn about experiences as Research Team Leader on the Reference Desk at National Air and Space Museum

  • Hagedorn, Dan and Sanjur, Maria T., “Latin American Aviation,” SIL Library Hall, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, opened January 1996, special exhibition covering SIL holdings relating to Latin American aviation and sheet music 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright 19R All Metal Light-Combat Aircraft, Part 2,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane, 1920-1940, No.37, January 1996, pp. 42-49

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Keeping the Pace,” Revista Aerea, November 1996 (by invitation)

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “En Sus 60 Años, Revista Aérea Se Ha Convertido En: La Crónica del Pasado de la Aviación y en la Visión de us Futuro: Hay que Mantener el Ritmo,” Revista Aerea, Vol.120, Nos.4 and 5, December 1996/January 1997, pp35-38

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Pre-1946 U.S. Civil Register Project,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.42, April 1997, pp. 54-61

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El North American AT-6: un avión omnipresente por 60 años en América Latina,” Revista Aerea, Vol.121, No.4-5, June/July 1997, pp14-21

  • Hagedorn, Dan and Nicklas, Brian, “Plug-Ugly,” Air & Space Smithsonian, Vol.12, No.2, June/July 1997, pp. 56-62

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Flying Fort’s Big Brother,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane, 1920-1940, No.44, October 1997, pp. 32-49 [in-depth examination of the Boing XB-15, later XC-105, and it ultimate fate in Panama]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “La Modernizacion de las Fuerzas Aéreas de América Latina,” Revista Aerea, Vol.122, No.4-5, December 1997/January 1998, pp19-22/53

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Le Curtiss-Wright 19R, Appareil de Combat Leger ‘Tout Metal’, Part 1,” Avions, No.60, March 1998, pp. 32-36

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Le Curtiss-Wright 19R, Appareil de Combat Leger ‘Tout Metal’, Part 2” Avions, No.61, April 1998, pp.2-6

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Curator, “¡ARRIBA! The History of Flight in Mexico, Central America, South America and the Caribbean,” National Air and Space Museum, May 13, 1998 – August 1998, script for first exhibition on Latin American aviation ever mounted at The National Air and Space Museum

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Fracasso na Baía dos Porcos: Missão contra Fidel Castro!” Força Aérea, Ano 3 No.11, June/July 1998, pp.72-87 [in Brazilian/Portuguese, a study of the aviation aspects of the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion attempt]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Postscript With a Vengeance,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.43, No.3, Fall 1998, pp222-224 [the sorry story of the Vultee A-31s and A-35s that went to Brazil]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Exhibición del Museo Nacional del Aire y el Espacio Examina el desarrollo de la aviación Latina,” Revista Aerea, Vol.124, No.2, October 1998, pp.33

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “¡ARRIBA!,” 1998 Biennial Report, National Air and Space Museum, 1998, pp.26

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “¿Qué Sucederá? A medida que la aviación militar estadounidense se aproxima al año 2000,” Revista Aerea, Vol.124, No.4-5, December 1998/January 1999, pp22-23

  • Tabor, Brenda Kean, “NASM Archivist Identifies Plane, Pilot from 1941 Crash in Panama,” The Torch, Smithsonian Institution, No.99-9, September 1999, pp.3

  • Hagedorn, Dan by Elaine Asch, “Un gran historiador apasionado por Latinoamérica,” Revista Aerea, Vol.126, No.2, October 1999, pp.2

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: “A Curator’s Choice Program: The P-51 Mustang in Latin America: Caudillos, Counter-Insurgency and Survivors”, The National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Wednesday, October 6, 1999 noon

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program, The Author Lecture Program of the National Archives and Records Administration, Room 105, The National Archives, Washington, DC, Thursday, October 7, 1999 – Discussed “Aircraft of the Chaco War: 1928-1935

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Le ‘Prêt-Bail,’ en Amérique Latine,” Aéro Journal, No.10, December 199-January 2000, pp. 38-52

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Deal of the Decade,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.45, No.3, Fall 2000, pp190-197 [the story of the sale of Seversky “fighters” and a Bellanca 28-92 to Ecuador in 1940-1941]  

  • Hagedorn, Dan by Elaine Asch, “Nuevo libro de Dan Hagedorn de Revista,” Revista Aerea, Vol.128, No.3, November 2000, pp.2

  • Delgado, Jorge; Ahrens, Hal; Hagedorn, Dan, “Cessna 172 and T-41 Mescalero in Latin American Air Forces,” Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.25, No.2 (98), July 2001, pp.50-53

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Review: “Living on the Edge,” by Byron Varner, Overnight Press Texas, on-line review for bodyarchive/book/edgerview, September 7, 2001, two pages 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Is The Way They Are, The Way We Were?”, paper presented to the Northern Viriginia (Jeffrey L. Ethell) Chapter, American Aviation Historical Society, 6 pages

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “El primer siglo de vuelo: 50 aeronaves significativas,” Revista Aerea, Vol.131, No.3, May 2002, pp.18-28

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright 22 Falcon, Part 1,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.63, July 2002, pp. 39-56 (and front cover) 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright 22 Falcon, Part 2,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.64, October 2002, pp. 2-15

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 1”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2002, pp.2002/095-2002/098 [covered NC-111 to NC-381]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 2”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Winter 2002, pp.2002/147-2002/150 [covered NC-382 to NC-52078]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Fraternity,” editorial in “The BombRun, The Latin American Aviation Historical Society, web site, c.March 2003, one page

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Nicaraguan Air Force: An Addenda,” The Latin American Aviation Historical Society, web site, c.March 21, 2003, 5 pages

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s,” NATA Skylines, April 2003, pp. 28-31 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 3,” Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Spring 2003, pp. 2003/039-2003/042 [covered NC-52081 to NC-54691 with supplementary information on NC-174 to NC-295]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 4”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Summer 2003, pp.2003/091-2003/092 [covered NC-54692 to NC-54891 with supplementary data on NC-340 to NC-356]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force – France Field, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.48, No.2, Summer 2003, p.p. 129-137

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Wright’s Were First, But Who Was Second?”, Air & Space Smithsonian, editorial, May-June 2003

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “LATIN MITCHELLS: North American B-25s in South America, Part One, AIR Enthusiast, No.105, May-June 2003, pp. 52-55

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “LATIN MITCHELLS: North American B-25s in South America, Part Two,” AIR Enthusiast, No.106, July/August 2003, pp34-39

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 5”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2003, pp. 2003/131-2003-133 [covered NC-54892 to NC-55989]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “A Century of Flight: from Kitty Hawk to Cape Kennedy,” New Standpoints, Issue 17, September 2003, pp14-15

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “LATIN MITCHELLS: North American B-25s in South America, Part Three,” AIR Enthusiast, No.107, September/October 2003, pp.36-41

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “LATIN MITCHELLS: North American B-25s in South America, Part Four,” AIR Enthusiast, No.108, November/December 2003, pp.54-65

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 6”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Winter 2003, pp. 2003/189-2003/190 [covered NC-55990 to NC-57467]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Classic American Aircraft,” United States Postal Service, principal consultant on 24, 32 cent postage stamps issued by the U.S. Postal Service

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 7”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Spring 2004, pp. 2004/043-2004/044 [covered NC-57468 to NC-58660]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 8”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Summer 2004, pp.2004/087-2004/088 [covered NC-58662 to NC-60564]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Stearman 4-D NC-769H,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.71, July 2004, pp. 58-60

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 9”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2004, pp.2004/139-2004/140 [covered NC-60565 to NC-61231] 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Amelia Earhart, Conexiones Latinoamericanas” (Próceres de la Aviación), Air & Space Power Journal Español, Tercer Trimestre 2004, pp.65-68 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Review: “Air Service, Americamn Expeditionary Force 1918: The Development of America’s Air Arm in World War I” by H. A. Toulmin, Jr., The Battery Press, Inc., Nashville, TN, published in WW1 Aero, October 2004

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas fugaces en el cielo austral: El Lockheed F-80 y T-33 en Servicio en América Latina,” Revista Aerea, Vol.135, No.2/3, October/November 2004, pp26-29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 10”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Winter 2004, pp.2004/185-2004/186 [covered NC-61242 to NC-62396]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Internet: A Curse or a Blessing for Historians?,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.73, January 2005, pp. 65-66

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “HISTORIOGRAPHY: What it is All About, An Opinion,” editorial comment for The Latin American Aviation Historical Society web site launch, January 11, 2005, two pages

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Internet: A Curse or a Blessing for Historians?” WW1 Aero, No.187, February 2005, pp. 67-69

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sociedad Hisórica de la Aviación Latinoamericana,” Air & Space Power Journal Español, Primer Trimestre 2005, pp93

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 11”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Spring 2005, pp.2005/039-2005/040 [covered NC-62413 toNC-63087]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force – Albrook Field”, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.50, No.1, Spring 2005, pp.41-54 (plus front cover)

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas fugaces en el cielo austral: Lockheed Introduce un Ganador,” Revista Aerea, Vol.135 No.4/5, March/April 2005, pp26-29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas fugaces en el cielo austral: Colombia, Chile, Peru,” Revista Aerea, Vol.135 No.5/Vol.136 No.1, May-June 2005, pp24-27

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 12” Air-Britain Archive, The Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Summer 2005, pp.2005/063-2005/064 [covered NC-63091 to NC-64355]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright Model 16 Series,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.75, July 2005, pp. 17-29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas fugaces en el Cielo: Breve Reseña de la Republica Dominicana,” Revista Aerea, August-September 2005, pp24-27

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 13,” Air-Britain Archive, The Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2005, pp. 2005/097-2005/100 [covered NC--64356 to NC-66072]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas fugaces en el Cielo Austral: Brasil y Ecuador,” Revista Aerea, October-November 2005, pp27-29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Un Aeronca Épico,” Air & Space Power Journal Español, Cuarto Trimestre 2005, pp.90-91

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Los Corsarios Mexicanos,” Quauhtli:Academia de Historia Aeronáutica de México edición año, 2005, pages not numbered but consisting of 27 pages

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Casting Out Demons: The Truth About Curtiss-Wright’s Model 21 Interceptor-Fighter,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.77, January 2006, pp48-49 [the story of why the Curtiss-Wright Model 21 Interceptor-Fighter was not named “Demon”!]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: Works-in-Progress: “Conquistadores del Cielo: Nuestra Herencia – From the Beginning….”, Briefing Room, The National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 10a.m.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas Fugaces en el Cielo Austral: El Lockheed F-80 y T-33 en Servicio en América Latina: Mexico,” Revista Aerea, Vol.136 No.6 and Vol.137, No.1, March/April 2006, pp.33-35

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas Fugaces: Les F-80/T-33 en Amérique Latine,” Aéro Jorunal, No.48, April-May 2006, pp54-69

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Presentation: Curator’s Choice, Steven H. Udvar-Hazy Center, The National Air and Space Museum, “The Trek of Junkers Ju 52/3, ‘Aconcagua,’ 7p.m., May 5, 2006

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Estrellas Fugaces en el Cielo Austral: El Lockheed F-80 y T-33 en Servicio en América Latina: Nicaragua,” Revista Aerea, Vol.137, No.2 and 3, May/June 2006, pp24-27

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Curtiss-Wright Model 16 Exports,” Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.29, No.4 (116), April 2006, pp121-124

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 16”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Summer 2006, pp.2006/091-2006/092 [covered NC-69109 to NC-74600]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 17”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Autumn 2006, pp.2006/141-143 [covers NC-74645 to NC-90642]

  • Chavanne, Bettina H., “The Spirit of Santos-Dumont,” Air & Space Smithsonian, Vol.21, No.4, October/November 2006, pp14-15.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Post-War Surplus AT-6s, Part 18”, Air-Britain Archive, the Air-Britain Civil Aviation Historical Quarterly, Winter 2006, pp2006/165-2006/167 [covered NC-90644 toNC-5993V]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Curtiss-Wright Model 23 Basic Combat Trainer,” Skyways: The Journal of the Airplane 1920-1940, No.81, January 2007, pp37-44

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Those Mysterious Nicaraguan Mustangs,” The Latin American Aviation Historical Society web-site, March 25, 2007, 4 pages

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Blériot XI in Latin America: A French Pioneer, Part 1,” WW1 Aero: The Journal of the Early Aeroplane,” No.198, November 2007, pp50-56 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Blériot XI in Latin America: A French Pioneer, Part 2 (conclusion),” WW1 Aero: The Journal of the Early Aeroplane,” No.199, February 2008, pp.36-44

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Aircraft of the Month: P-51 Mustang,” Aloft, Vol.30, No.3, March/April 2008 (Part 1), pp.28

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Spacecraft of the Month: The McDonnell Project Mercury Space Capsule Mock-Up,” Aloft, Vol.30, No.3, March/April 2008, pp.29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Aircraft of the Month: P-51 Mustang,” Aloft, Vol.30, No.3 (Part 2), May/June 2008, pp.28

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Spacecraft of the Month: Explorer 1,” Aloft, Vol.30., No.4, July/August 2008, pp.28

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Aircraft of the Month: Boeing 747,” Aloft, Vol.30, No.4, July/August 2008, pp.29

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Alberto Santos=Dumont: Brazilian Father of Aviation,” Aloft, Vol.30, No.5, September/October 2008, pp.12-13

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: “Conquistadors of the Sky,” The Allen Theater, The Museum of Flight, December 6, 2008, 2p.m., videotaped

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Piper J3 – A Homecoming, of Sorts…”, Aloft, Vol.30. No.6, November/December 2008, pp.20

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Bridge to Somewhere: Bridging the Museum and the Library & Archives,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.1, January/February 2009, pp.20

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Operation Vittles: Saving a City by Air, from Coal to Candy,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.1, January/February 2009

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “In Search of Aida,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.2, March/April 2009, pp.6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Unsung Heroes,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.3, May/June 2009, pp.6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Those Magnificent Men – and Women – and Their Dirigibles,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.4, July/August 2009, pp.6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Latinas en las Nubes: Realizan plática de mujures pilotos que pasaron barrera de sexo en la aviación,” La Raza: publicado por The Washington Post, 18 September 2009, interview byAlejandro Dominguez

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Latinas en las Nubes: Realizarán plática de mujeres pilotos que pasaron barrera de sexo en la aviació,”, Eliminatoria on-line interview by Alejandro Dominguez, September 23, 2009

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: “Pilotas y Pioneros,” Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration, The Museum of Flight Allen Theater, September 26, 2009 - videotaped

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Celebrating Hispanic Heritage,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.5, September/October 2009, pp.9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force – Howard Field,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.54, No.3, Fall 2009, pp.194-209 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “An Air Transport Pioneer: G. K. “Ken” Houseolder,” Aloft, Vol.31, No.6, November/December 2009, pp. 16

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “An Ageless Beauty,” Aloft, Vol.32, No.1, January/February 2010, pp. 6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Notes From the Attic,” Aloft, Vol.32, No.2, March/April 2010, pp. 6-7

  • Hagedorn,Dan, Public Program: “So You Want to be an Aviation Historian,” Royal Aeronautical Society, Seattle Branch,. Allen Theater, The Museum of Flight, May 18, 2010, 6p.m., recorded

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “P-51D: Our ’44 Mustang,” Aloft, Vol.32, No.3, May-June 2010, pp. 16-17

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Style in the Aisle: Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind,” Aloft, Vol.32, No.4, July/August 2010, pp.16-17

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sister is Growing Wings, and Don’t You Forget It,” Aloft, Vol.32, No.5, September/October 2010, pp.6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Shhh! Keep This Quiet!”, Aloft, Vol.32, No.6, November/December 2010, pp.10

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “We’ve Got a Plan,” Aloft, Vol.33, No.1, January/February 2011, pp.8-9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Airplanes and Spacecraft as Artifacts: Building the Collection,” Aloft, Vol.33, No.2, March/April 2011, pp.10-11 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Lifesaver Anyone?”, Aloft, Vol.33, No.3, May/June 2011, pp.6 

  • Hagedorn, Dan and Sapienza, Antonio, “The Fokker C-V in Bolivia,” Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.35, No.1 (137), July 2011, pp.3132

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “A Boom in Aerial Refueling,” Aloft, Vol.33, No.4, July/August 2011, pp.8-9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “That’s Entertainment,” Aloft, Vol.33, No.5, September/October 2011, pp.6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Unbecoming of a Lady?”, Aloft, Vol.33, No.6, December 2011, pp.6

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Seal of Approval,” Aloft, Vol.34, No.2, March/April 2012, pp.17

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force – New France Field”, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Vol.57, No.4, Winter 2012, pp.274-287

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Remembering Pete,” Aloft, Vol.34, No.6, November/December 2012, pp.16-17. [a tribute to my hero, aero-historian Peter M. Bowers]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Collections Land,” Aloft, Vol.35, No.1, January/February 2013, pp.8-9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program, “T-6 Ground School: Historical Introduction,” Historic Flight Foundation, Paine Field, Everett, WA March 5, 2011, 9a.m.-10:30a.m.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Little Wonders,” Aloft, Vol.35, No.3, May/June 2013, pp8-9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Public Program: “Warplanes to Siberia: Lend-Lease and the ALSIB Route,” Technical Advisor to the Bravo 369 Flight Foundation, The Museum of Flight, Skyline Room, 2p.m., June 22, 2013

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “What the Heck is a Bally Box?”, Aloft, July/August 2013, pp9

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Keeping the Flame Alive: The Odyssey of the Champlin Fighter Collection,” American Fighter Aces & Friends – The Bulletin of the American Fighter Aces Association, Vol.30, No.2/2013, pp6-7

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Power of One: Jon and Ann Bowman,” Aloft, Vol.36, No.1, January/February 2014, pp22

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Curator’s Corner, Aloft, Vol.36, No.1, January/February 2014, pp10

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Curator’s Corner, Aloft, Vol.36, No.2, March/April 2014, pp.10

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Treasures from the Vault, Aloft, Vol.36, No.3, May/June 2014, pp6

  • Hagedorn, Dan, Curator’s Corner, Aloft, Vol.36, No.3, May/June 2014, pp10

  • Hagedorn, Dan and J.D. Wyneken, PhD, “Looking Back: Aviation on D-Day, June 6, 1944,” memorial presentation, Allen Theater, The Museum of Flight, Saturday, June 7, 2014, 1430hrs (Power Point)

  • Hagedorn, Dan The Peru-Ecuador Border War (Guerra de Zarumilla-Maranon) 1941, Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.37, No.4 (148) April 2014, pp.132-136

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force: Rio Hato,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 61, Number 4, Winter, 2016, pp293-312

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “What the Heck is Going on Here?”, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 62, Number 1, Spring 2017, pp.32-33 [revisiting the unsolved mystery of the “twin-engine” Curtiss P-40]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Axis Aircraft in Latin America” (book review), Small Air Forces Observer, Vol.4, No.4 (160), April 2017, p.135

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “PRESERVING AVIATION HISTORY: HOW ARE WE DOING? A Retrospective 115 Years On”, Lecture, Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum, Paine Field, Everett, Washington, March 3, 2018

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “From the Archives: A Class Act in Aviation History” [Museum Musings], Aloft, Vol.40, No.4, July/August 2018, p.16

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force: Airdromes and Auxiliary Airdromes in the Republic of Panama,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 63, Number 1, Spring, 2018, pp37-57

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Bach Air Transport: the Pacific Coast’s Pioneer Airliner,” AAHS Flightline, No.198, 2nd Quarter, 2018, pp9 [review of the Steve Ellis book of the same title, ISBN pending, 2017]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Air War One, featuring photographs from the Museum’s World War I Collection,” Aloft, Vol.40, Issue 6, November/December 2018, p.9-11

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Requiem for the Grumman G-23: And, After a Fashion, the “Rest of the Story,””, Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 63, Number 2, Summer 2018, pp106-112

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Colombian T-37 Serials Explained”, Letter-to-the-Editor, Air Forces Monthly #369, December 2018, page 79

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “What the Heck is Going on Here? (II),” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 63, Number 4, Winter 2018, pp318-319 [image of an unidentified Mexican pilot and parasol, single-engine monoplane]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Corsario Jr. Legend: What Really Happened to the Sole Vought V-100?”, The Aviation Historian, Issue 28, July 2019, pp. 33-39

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Other Jeep: Curtiss-Wright CW-25,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 65, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp91-95

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Popular Misconception” (Curtiss-Wright CW-21 “Demon”], FlyPast, the Heart of Aviation Heritage, November 2020, pp86-88 plus index page image 

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Jensen Trainer Model 2: A Depression-Era Private Venture,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 65, Number 3, Fall 2020, pp206-218

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Deep in the Heart of Texas: The Little-Known Story of the Railroad Town that Spawned the Temple Monoplane Company,” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 65, No.4, Winter 2020, pp249-265.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Sentimental Journey: The Air Fields of the Sixth Air Force – The Pacific Patrol Arc.” Journal of the American Aviation Historical Society, Volume 67, Number 4, Winter 2022, pp262-288 [final installment of a series spanning 20 years in the Journal]

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Before Lend-Lease: The South American Defense Aid Program,” Latin American Aviation Historical Society ( March 15, 2023 12:52pm, pp1-10.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Spartan’s Olympic Hopeful,” The Aviation Historian, Issue 43, [circa April 2023], pp66-74

  • Hagedorn, Dan, CORRECTIONS, Aviation History, Spring 2023, pp5, [relating to incorrect image used to illustrate a Winter 2023 “Milestones” entry in same publication.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “Air Mission Latin America,” Air-Britain Aviation World, Winter 2023, pp 227-229.

  • Hagedorn, Dan, “The Evolution of November Charlie: Origins of the US Civil Aircraft Registration System, Part 1” Air-Britain Aviation World, Spring 2024, pp5-11.

  • Hagedorn, Dam, The Evolution of November Charlie: Origins of the US Civil Aircraft Registration System, Part 2 (conclusion)” Air-Britain Aviation World, Summer 2024, pp77-86